

创建时间:  2024-03-07  庄薪荣   浏览次数:   返回


李松威,2021年毕业于南京中医药大学,师从郭跃伟教授,获中药学博士学位;2021.09至2023.09于浙江工业大学从事博士后研究;2023年11月入职上海大学医学院任讲师。主要从事海洋天然产物化学和海洋药物研究。至今已在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Acta Pharm. Sini. B, Org. Lett., Bioorg. Chem.等SCI期刊上发表学术论文20余篇,授权发明专利1项,主持国家自然科学青年基金1项。





1. Wu, Qi-Hao1; Li, Song-Wei1; Xu, Heng1; Wang, Hong; Hu, Pei; Zhang, Hao; Luo, Cheng; Chen, Kai-Xian; Nay, Bastien*; Guo, Yue-Wei*, Li, Xu-Wen*. Complex polypropionates from a South China Sea Photosynthetic Mollusk: Isolation and Biomimetic Synthesis Highlighting Novel Rearrangements. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2020, 59, 12105-12112.

2. Li, Song-Wei; Cuadrado, Cristina; Yao, Li-Gong; Daranas, Antonio Hernandez*; Guo, Yue-Wei*. Quantum Mechanica-NMR-aided configuration and conformation of two Unreported Macrocycles Isolated from the Soft Coral Lobophytum sp.: Energy Calculations versus Coupling Constants. Organic Letters, 2020, 22, 4093-4096.

3. Li, Song-Wei; Ye, Fei; Zhu, Zheng-Dan; Huang, Hui; Mao, Shui-Chun*; Guo, Yue-Wei*. Cembrane-type diterpenoids from the South China Sea soft coral Sarcophyton mililatensis. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2018, 8, 944-955.

4. Li, Song-Wei; Cuadrado, Cristina; Huan, Xia-Juan; Yao, Li-Gong; Miao, Ze-Hong*; Hernandez Daranas*, Antonio; Guo, Yue-Wei*. Rare new bicyclic cembranoid ethers and a novel trihydroxy prenylated guaiane from the Xisha soft coral Lobophytum sp. Bioorganic Chemistry, 2020, 103, 104223.

5. Li, Song-Wei; Mudianta, I. Wayan; Cuadrado, Cristina; Li, Geng; Yudasmara, Gede A.; Setiabudi, Gede I.; Hernandez Daranas, Antonio*; Guo, Yue-Wei*. Litosetoenins A-E, Diterpenoids from the soft coral Litophyton setoensis, Backbone-rearranged through Divergent Cyclization Achieved by Epoxide Reactivity Inversion. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2021, 86, 11771-11781.

6. Li, Song-Wei; Wu, Qihao; Xu, Heng; Yao, Li-Gong; Luo, Cheng; Wang, Hong; Zhang, Hao*; Li, Xu-Wen*; Guo, Yue-Wei*. Ocellatuperoxides A–F, Uncommon Anti-Tumoral γ-Pyrone Peroxides from a Photosynthetic Mollusk Placobranchus ocellatus. Marine Drugs, 2022, 20, 590. IF = 6.085

7. Li, Song-Wei; Yu, Dan-Dan; Su, Ming-Zhi; Yao, Li-Gong; Liu, Xue-Ting*; Guo, Yue-Wei*. Ocellatuspyrones A‒G, new antibacterial polypropionates from the Chinese mollusk Placobranchus ocellatus. Marine Life Science & Technology, 2023, 5, 373-386.

8. Zhu, Sheng-Hui; Chang, Yuan-Min; Su, Ming-Zhi; Yao, Li-Gong; Li, Song-Wei*; Wang, Hong *; Guo, Yue-Wei *. Nine New Antibacterial Diterpenes and Steroids from the South China Sea Soft Coral Lobophytum catalai Tixier-Durivault. Marine Drugs, 2024, 22(1), 50.

9. Xia, Zi-Yi; Sun, Man-Man; Jin, Yang; Su, Ming-Zhi; Li, Song-Wei*, Wang, Hong*, Guo, Yue-Wei*. Four uncommon cycloamphilectane-type diterpenoids with antibacterial activity from the South China Sea soft coral Sinularia brassica. Phytochemistry, 2024, 219, 113960.

10. Wang, Kang; Xu, Chuan-Hui; Tong, Lin; Wang, Bin; Liu, Ai-Hong; Li, Song-Wei*; Mao, Shui-Chun*; Coriaceumins A−D, the First Nitrogen-Containing Crenulide Diterpenoids from the Brown Alga Dictyota coriacea Collected in the East China Sea. Journal of Natural Products, 2024, 87(1): 121- 131.



