

创建时间:  2020-06-24  孙湛蓉   浏览次数:   返回


姜继宗2017年毕业于上海中医药大学,获得博士学位;2017.07-2019.09,中国科学院上海药物研究所,博士后;2019年9月入职上海大学医学院任讲师。主要从事分子药剂学研究。主持和参与国家自然科学基金青年科学基金、教育部博士点基金、上海市自然科学基金,上海市高校青年教师培养资助计划等课题。在Journal of Controlled Release、Advanced Healthcare Materials、Antioxidants & Redox Signaling、Applied Materials Today、Toxicology in Vitro等国际期刊上发表多篇论文。


1. 基于纳米技术修复受损心脏的研究

2. 纳米靶向制剂

3. 仿生纳米递药系统



1. Jiang JZ, Ni LY, Zhang XX, Gokulnath P, Vulugundam G, Li GP, Wang HY, Xiao JJ*. Moderate-Intensity Exercise Maintains Redox Homeostasis for Cardiovascular Health. Advanced Biology (Weinh). 2023 Apr;7(4):e2200204.

2. Li L, Qi WT, Zhu YJ, Yin MM, Chen C, Wei M, Huang ZZ, Su ZH, Jiang JZ*, Zhang MX*, Bei YH*. Danlou Tablet Protects Against Cardiac Remodeling and Dysfunction after Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury through Activating AKT/FoxO3a Pathway. Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research. 2023 Apr 10.

3. Jiang JZ#, Ni LY#, Zhang XX, Wang HY, Liu L, Wei M, Li GP, Bei YH*. Platelet Membrane-Fused Circulating Extracellular Vesicles Protect the Heart from Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2023 Apr 25:e2300052.

4. Jiang JZ, Ni LY, Zhang XX, Chatterjee E, Lehmann HI, Li GP, Xiao JJ. Keeping the heart healthy: the role of exercise in cardiac repair and regeneration. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling . 2023 May 3.

5. Zhao PF, Wang S, Jiang JZ*, Gao YR, Wang YW, Zhao YG, Zhang JX, Zhang M, Huang YZ*. Targeting lactate metabolism and immune interaction in breast tumor via protease-triggered delivery. Journal of Controlled Release. 2023 Jun;358:706-717.

6. Fan YX, Quan XL, Liu SQ, Yue L, Jiang JZ*, Fan ZQ*. The Metabolomic Characterization of Different Types of Coronary Atherosclerotic Heart Disease in Male. Cardiology Research and Practice. 2022 Jul 12;2022:6491129.

7. Jiang JZ*.Cell-penetrating peptide-mediated nanovaccine delivery. Current Drug Targets. 2021;22(8):896-912.

8. Jiang JZ#, Ma TY#, Zhang LH, Cheng XM, Wang CH*. The transdermal performance, pharmacokinetics and anti-inflammatory pharmacodynamics evaluation of harmine-loaded ethosomes. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. 2020, 46(1): 101-108.

9. Chang Y#, Jiang JZ#, Chen W, Yang W, Chen LL, Qian SZ, Zhou T, Wu LF, Hong LH, Huang YZ*, Li F*. Biomimetic Metal-organic Nanoparticles Prepared with a 3D-printed Microfluidic Device as a Novel Formulation for Disulfiram-based Therapy against Breast Cancer. Applied Materials Today, 2020, 18: 100492.

10. Jiang JZ, Yang BH, Ji LL, Yang L, Mao YC, Hu ZH, Wang ZT, Wang CH*. Metabolic-induced cytotoxicity of diosbulbin B in CYP3A4-expressing cells, Toxicology in Vitro, 2017, 38(2): 59-66.





